Community Jobs

Everyday jobs:

Several of the most common jobs we do are: Cutting, splitting, stacking, and delivering free firewood, gardening, yard work, renovating substandard housing, weatherizing homes, installing free clotheslines, providing community meals, and recycling goods and clothing.

Wood Stacking

Stacking wood is an essential part of our community job response. In the fall leading up to Vermont’s cold winters, teams of CTWK members help dozens of neighbors move, organize and stack wood piles. Although we take on new requests regularly, there are many community members that we love to stack for every year. We invite you to reach out to us if you need an extra hand. We prioritize our schedule around senior citizens.

Our free firewood program helps provide heat for families in seven local towns. We source our wood from local donations and tree fall in collaboration with the local Wood Bank.

Snow Shoveling

When winter arrives, we transition from stacking to shoveling. We follow the same process for receiving jobs as wood stacking, serving senior citizens on a first come first serve basis.

We collaborate with other local non profits, helping as needed with both setup and clean up of community events. We also love leading environmental crafts and are able to host a table that can include nature crafting and activities from our Food Justice Activity Booklet. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have an event that you would like our help with!